Buckwheat Pancakes with Fruit Salad
3 heaped tablespoons Buckwheat Flour
3 heaped teaspoons Rice Flour
1 teaspoon bi-carb soda
1 heaped teaspoon baking flour
Pinch of Himalayan or Celtic Sea Salt
2 teaspoons Stevia sugar or Castor Sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon (so the family think they are brown from the cinnamon and not the buckwheat)
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 eggs
Splash of almond milk or milk
Beat all of the ingredients together. It should be a bit runny, not gluggy. Add more milk if needed.
Let it sit for 10 mins – while you are waiting, chop up a fruit salad of what you have sitting in the bowl. I used banana, pear and strawberries.
Cook on a medium high heat, using Canola Spray for best non-stick. You can use coconut oil.
Serve with the fruit salad, freshly squeezed lemon on top with a sprig of mint.
By having lemon juice you won’t be tempted to use other sugary syrups and you will be alkalizing at the same time.
Serves 4