Easy Meal – Atlantic Salmon and Salad
Piece of Atlantic Salmon
1 tablespoon Olive Oil
Colourful vegies of any choice
Put stove on medium/high heat. Add Olive Oil, cook Atlantic Salmon on one side for 4-5 mins. When you turn it over, squeeze the lemon on top and put the lid on the pan. Turn the heat down to medium and cook for 3-4 mins. Check it is cooked using a sharp knife in the middle of the fish.
While the Salmon is cooking, wash and chop your vegies and put them in the bowl or plate. Place fish in and eat.
I like to add some wasabi on top of my Salmon – for extra Vitamin C and to lift the flavours. The fresh colourful vegies will give you lots of anti-oxidants, fibre and vitamins. The fish will give you your Omega’s and will give anti-inflammatory effects.